July 21, 2022
Smart & Mindful Shopping Tips
But it is even more important to understand that shopping addiction is a thing which is becoming a matter of great concern all around the world. Besides, even if a person is not a shopping addict, they need to be careful of their expenses and not become a spendthrift. In the middle of the pandemic when people were sitting in their homes, the world saw a change in consumer behaviour. People started shopping more as they just had to click on their mobile screens and the goods were delivered at their doorsteps. But according to the experts, this was not a very fruitful thing. It sure had a negative impact on people.
Since the festive season is just around the corner, it is a good time to tell you all the smart shopping tips that would help you to shop smart, so that you are not allured by the things that you do not actually need.
Shop with a list - This is the #1 tip for good reason. Many people overspend or buy things they don’t want, don’t need and never end up using because they are not prepared properly. The hard-earned cash that you are spending needs some preparation too, and therefore, you should spend some serious time preparing a list of the items you have to buy. Review what you already have, then write a list of the stuff you are falling short of. Make sure they are genuine needs, not frivolous wants. And finally, remember to use that list when you shop! Once you enter the shopping place, that list should be in your hand. Carry a pen and start ticking off the stuff you put in your cart. If you follow this simple step, you will see a lot of difference from your first shopping itself as you will save a lot of money.
Set a budget - Many people overspend on things they don’t want, need or use because they have no parameters around their spending. That is definitely not a very smart way to shop. You need to set a goal. The goal here would be to stay on a budget. The budget would not always mean that you should buy things below the standards that you always keep, but it would bar you from spending on things that you actually do not need. You already know how much you spend on your necessities every month, set the same budget every month and stop yourself from crossing it.
Pay with cash - A research says that a person pays 20-50% more when they pay through cards. It is always a good idea to carry cash while you are heading out shopping. Since now you have a list of things and you know the budget that you need to spend, you can carry only that much cash. That would be the best way of keeping a check on yourself. Paying with cash feels more real and that’s what we want. Reconnect yourself to the shopping experience so you only buy things you genuinely need and will use. You’ll save a fortune and those impulse buys will seem far less alluring.
Set a timeframe - Don’t allow yourself to wander around a shopping centre aimlessly. Many people use shopping as an excuse to spend time in their favourite mall. Not a strategy we would like to promote. If you want to shop smart, meaningless shopping is not for you. Set a specific timeframe that you will complete your shopping in, and once that time is over, it’s time to head home. Once you’ve bought all you need, stop shopping and turn your attention to something else for the day.
Pick the best time for you - Shopping can be a fatiguing and stressful activity if you don’t shop at a time that works well for you. Shopping when the malls and stores are most busy can be taxing and you could end up fractious and irritable. Remember that our physical environment affects us and overcrowded, jostling environments like congested shopping centres rarely bring out the best in anybody. So, pick a time to shop when you are going to be at your most alert and positive, plus the time when shopping malls are not jam-packed. Taking breaks in between shopping can be a good idea too.
Don’t fall into traps - Remember that the salesperson is there to sell to you. No matter how friendly or pleasant a salesperson is, you cannot avoid the fact that all they want is to sell that product to you. They have that kind of convincing power, therefore you should stop and think before falling into this trap. Salespeople, no matter how charming and helpful they are, aren’t there to be our friends. They may engage in friendly behaviours, but their purpose is singular: to sell us something. Today. Be mindful of this so that you only buy items you need and will use – not because an effective salesperson talked or guilted you into it.
These were all the shopping tips that we would like to give you so that you can be a smart and mindful shopper. Follow these rules and you would never spend even a penny on things that you would not use.
Since the festive season has started and you would already have made your list of the things you will be needing, you cannot miss buying new festive outfits for all the festivals that are coming. If you have not decided on what to wear then head on to www.raisinglobal.com to have a look at all the festive outfits that will suit you. We have clothes for every woman. Check out our collection and get ready for this festive season in style.
Since the festive season is just around the corner, it is a good time to tell you all the smart shopping tips that would help you to shop smart, so that you are not allured by the things that you do not actually need.
Shop with a list - This is the #1 tip for good reason. Many people overspend or buy things they don’t want, don’t need and never end up using because they are not prepared properly. The hard-earned cash that you are spending needs some preparation too, and therefore, you should spend some serious time preparing a list of the items you have to buy. Review what you already have, then write a list of the stuff you are falling short of. Make sure they are genuine needs, not frivolous wants. And finally, remember to use that list when you shop! Once you enter the shopping place, that list should be in your hand. Carry a pen and start ticking off the stuff you put in your cart. If you follow this simple step, you will see a lot of difference from your first shopping itself as you will save a lot of money.
Set a budget - Many people overspend on things they don’t want, need or use because they have no parameters around their spending. That is definitely not a very smart way to shop. You need to set a goal. The goal here would be to stay on a budget. The budget would not always mean that you should buy things below the standards that you always keep, but it would bar you from spending on things that you actually do not need. You already know how much you spend on your necessities every month, set the same budget every month and stop yourself from crossing it.
Pay with cash - A research says that a person pays 20-50% more when they pay through cards. It is always a good idea to carry cash while you are heading out shopping. Since now you have a list of things and you know the budget that you need to spend, you can carry only that much cash. That would be the best way of keeping a check on yourself. Paying with cash feels more real and that’s what we want. Reconnect yourself to the shopping experience so you only buy things you genuinely need and will use. You’ll save a fortune and those impulse buys will seem far less alluring.
Set a timeframe - Don’t allow yourself to wander around a shopping centre aimlessly. Many people use shopping as an excuse to spend time in their favourite mall. Not a strategy we would like to promote. If you want to shop smart, meaningless shopping is not for you. Set a specific timeframe that you will complete your shopping in, and once that time is over, it’s time to head home. Once you’ve bought all you need, stop shopping and turn your attention to something else for the day.
Pick the best time for you - Shopping can be a fatiguing and stressful activity if you don’t shop at a time that works well for you. Shopping when the malls and stores are most busy can be taxing and you could end up fractious and irritable. Remember that our physical environment affects us and overcrowded, jostling environments like congested shopping centres rarely bring out the best in anybody. So, pick a time to shop when you are going to be at your most alert and positive, plus the time when shopping malls are not jam-packed. Taking breaks in between shopping can be a good idea too.
Don’t fall into traps - Remember that the salesperson is there to sell to you. No matter how friendly or pleasant a salesperson is, you cannot avoid the fact that all they want is to sell that product to you. They have that kind of convincing power, therefore you should stop and think before falling into this trap. Salespeople, no matter how charming and helpful they are, aren’t there to be our friends. They may engage in friendly behaviours, but their purpose is singular: to sell us something. Today. Be mindful of this so that you only buy items you need and will use – not because an effective salesperson talked or guilted you into it.
These were all the shopping tips that we would like to give you so that you can be a smart and mindful shopper. Follow these rules and you would never spend even a penny on things that you would not use.
Since the festive season has started and you would already have made your list of the things you will be needing, you cannot miss buying new festive outfits for all the festivals that are coming. If you have not decided on what to wear then head on to www.raisinglobal.com to have a look at all the festive outfits that will suit you. We have clothes for every woman. Check out our collection and get ready for this festive season in style.